Claimed Scores 2024
  198 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
01/09/24 High Band C'latives 10 GHz
26/08/24 High Band C'latives 5.7 GHz
23/08/24 24GHz
16/07/24 mm-Wave Band C'latives 76 GHz
15/07/24 mm-Wave Band C'latives 47 GHz
15/07/24 mm-Wave Band C'latives 24 GHz

Claimed scores for High Band Cumulatives 10 GHz

25 Aug (10 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
All 1 G4ZTR JO01 14 3,214 230 F6DKW 365 10 80cms offset Quite poor conditions and too windy for full height mast - credit to the /P's battling to keep dishes aligned !  
All 2 G4MBS/P IO92 16 2,602 163 F6DKW 465 12 65cm OS Dish Excellent RS day before, but few people about. Today those condx had gone, but nice being in middle of activity for a change.
All 3 G4LDR IO91 13 2,164 166 F8DLS 426 25 1m dish No enhanced propagation today, but helped by AS on a couple of contacts.  
All 4 G4SJH/P IO91 13 1,591 122 GW4JQP 257 0.8 90cm offset dish Condx down this time and activity much lower.
All 5 M0GHZ IO81 11 1,213 110 G4ZTR 220 5 90cm Activity was rather low and conditions poor with some failures. Maybe too close to the SHF UKAC on Tuesday?  
All 6 GW4JQP IO71 5 1,140 228 G4MBS/P 271 5 43cm offset A bit hard going at times with several fails, but thanks for the contacts.  
All 7 M0PAI/P IO93 6 768 128 G4ZTR 235 4.5 65cm offset - I0JXX Feed Very Windy, a huge struggle with the dish. Not many takers on my KST calls, gave up in the end.  
All 8 G3TCU/P IO91 6 673 112 G3XDY 153 4 90cm os It works a bit better when the ant c/o relay operates! Tks for all QSOs & tries
All 9 G7MHF/P IO82 4 497 124 G4NNS 150 3.5 40cm Penny Feed Very windy had to leave earlier than planned as dish kept blowing over despite the guys. Thanks to all that came back to me  
All 10 G4RQI IO93 3 484 161 G4ZTR 247 2 48CM Dish not many in the log today  

28 Jul (12 scores)

30 Jun (6 scores)

26 May (7 scores)

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