Claimed Scores 2024
  198 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
01/09/24 High Band C'latives 10 GHz
26/08/24 High Band C'latives 5.7 GHz
23/08/24 24GHz
16/07/24 mm-Wave Band C'latives 76 GHz
15/07/24 mm-Wave Band C'latives 47 GHz
15/07/24 mm-Wave Band C'latives 24 GHz

Claimed scores for 24GHz

(10 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
All 1 G1EHF/P IO91 13 946 73 G4UVZ 123 0.25 60cm Conditions seemed rather poor but good activity from both home and portable stations. Thanks all  
All 2 GW4HQX/P IO81 7 615 88 G1EHF/P 121 0.6 30cm pf dish Good day out - failed with G4LDR and G4NNS  
All 3 G1DFL/P IO92 7 438 63 G7MHF/P 71 0.25 30cm PF Dish An adventure north for a change! Roved to Ebrington Hill, Loxley then Notgrove. Great to work Rob & Paul for the first time on this band.
All 4 G8CUB/P IO91 7 432 62 GW3TKH/P 94 5 30cm dish Flat conditions. Great activity. All distant contacts over 100km failed.  
All 5 G4LDR IO91 7 296 42 G8GKQ/P 63 1 30cm dish    
All 6 G0MDQ/P IO82 3 136 45 G1DFL/P 69 1.5 30cm Dish thanks to Pete for traveling north to work us. Paul
All 7 G7MHF/P IO82 3 136 45 G1DFL/P 69 1.5 30cm Andrews Dish Many thanks to Pete G1DFL for roaming north, great to make first contact with you on the band.  
All 8 GW4MBS/P IO71 1 76 76 GW4JQP 76 2 30cm dish Awful conditions, 10 fails.
All 9 GW4JQP IO71 1 76 76 GW4MBS/P 76 2 Sky offset 43cm Hard going today and then a TX fault.  
All 10 G1PPA/P JO03 1 48 48 G4ODA 48 2 65cm dish    

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