RSGB Contest Special Rules 2024
The 5.7GHz and 10GHz contests are being run concurrently to grow activity on 5.7GHz. Although they are on the same days, they are completely separate contests. Any band or both bands can be used on any of the 5 days.
1. The general rules shown above apply.
2. There are five, monthly, events from May to September inclusive, and the events run from 0600 to 1800 UTC on a Sunday. Entrants can operate for a period of up to eight hours during each event, either as a single period or two separate periods with a minimum off time of 1 hour between.
3. Logs for all events entered should be submitted in the week after each session.
4. Moving location during the contest is allowed - the Rover concept is applicable.
5. Certificates will be awarded to the leading station and runner-up, and to the leading fixed, portable and low power (<1W) stations.
6. The G3KEU Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the leading entry in the championship, determined from the best three normalized scores during the series of events.