RSGB Contest Special Rules 2024
First introduced in 2004, these contests aim to encourage operation on the lower bands in the amateur microwave allocation. For 2019, there are five of these events, in March, April, May, June, and November. The March, May and June events are timed to overlap with UHF/SHF events in some other IARU Region 1 countries. The times for the November event are shortened to make portable operation more practical.
1. The General Rules listed above apply except as modified by these rules.
2. There are fivecontests, one each in March, April, May, June and November. The March, April and June events run from 1000 to 1600 UTC. The May event runs from 0800 to 1400 UTC to coincide with the RSGB UHF Contest. The November event is from 1000 to 1400 UTC.
3. Entrants in the May event need not start serial numbers from 001 if they are also participating in the RSGB UHF Contest.
4. The contest will take place on four bands: 1250-1325MHz, 2300MHz-2310MHz, 2320-2350MHz and 3400-3410MHz.
5. Each event will be scored and tabulated separately. There will be an overall championship determined by taking the best three normalized scores from each entrant across the five events for each band. An overall champion will also be declared based on the normalized championship scores from each band.
6. For each session, certificates will be awarded to the leading entry plus runner-up on each band, the overall leading entry and runner-up across the four bands, plus for each band the leading stations in each of the following categories: home station, portable station, station running less than 10 watts output. Championship certificates will be awarded to the winners and runners up for each band, and to the overall championship winner and runner up.